Monday 12 March 2007

Thinking back to days gone by

Today my wife Pat and i had our dinner at Pastor Cullens house, and we had good fellowship and a very nice meal cooked by the Pastor himself. While we were talking the subject briefly turned to the subject of becoming a Pastor, he told me that if you have been married more than once you can't be ordained to become a Pastor, but you can still preach the Gospel.

I thought on this for some time, and if you were married and divorced legally in the eyes of the law of man before you were saved by grace, surely with your slate wiped clean in the eyes of our Lord there should not be a problem, if it's the Lords will that you be ordained. Not that i'm thinking of becoming a Pastor myself, but Lord willing i would like to take up preaching the Gospel again.

Years ago i was a member of a Methodist church and i became what they call a Lay-preacher, we would go various places preaching and contending for souls, old folks homes, remand homes for kids, other denominational churches around the country and on the streets, it was the greatest feeling anyone could imagine. Of course in those days people were more at ease hearing about our Lord Jesus Christ and there were great revivals happening all over. I pray that those days return before the second coming because never before has there been a need for souls to come to Christ for salvation... Amen

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
St John 8.12

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