Sunday, 18 March 2007

The greatest miracle

Every birth is a blessed miracle from God, but our Lord's birth was different because he was concieved through the Holy Ghost sent by God; and yet this was not the greatest of miracles. Jesus turned water into wine, the lame to walk, the blind to see and cast demons out of people who were possesed for years, he even raised the dead but all of these however great is not the greatest of his miracles.

The greatest miracle was on the cross at Calvary, but before this there was betrayal, there was humiliation, betrayal by Judas with a kiss and humiliation at the hands of the Romans. Before crucifying him they scurged our Lord, they mocked, him spat on him and placed a crown of thorns shaped as a crown hard upon his head further, mocking him as king of the Jews.

As if that wasn't enough they showed him to his people and made him carry his cross through the streets to the place of crucifixion, they then nailed him to the cross. The nails that they used in those days weren't like the ones we would use, these were spikes. Ater this they raised up the cross and dropped it into place, on top of this when he asked for water they gave him vinegar. And after all this Jesus called upon his Father to forgive them for they know not what they do. He could have called down twelve legions of Angels at any time to save him but he didn't, if he had we would not exist today or have the chance of everlasting life with him in paradise. Jesus loved us so much not just people then but you and i to go through all that he had so we might be saved. Praise his holy name, repent and believe, he asks only this that let him into your lives and you past sins will be washed away with the blood of Christ.

This is the greates miracle that my Lord and Saviour performed dying for our sins...Amen

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