Monday, 16 April 2007

"On My Father's Side"

When Jesus was twelve years old he went with Joseph and mary to Jerusalem, and when rerturning home Joseph and Mary could not find Him anywhere to be seen so they returned to Jerusalem only to find Jesus in the temple in the midst of teachers both asking questions and hearing answers.

And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. Luke 2:45-49

Here are some of the questions they might have asked, and the answers He might have given.

What is your name?
On my mother's side, it is Jesus. On my Father's side, Emmanuel.

Where are you from?
On my mother's side, I was born in Bethlehem. On my Father's side, I came from the portals of glory.

How old are you?
On my mothers side, i am twelve years old. On my Father's side, I am everlasting to everlasting.

What religion are you?
On my mother's side, I am a Jew from the house of David. On my Father's side--before Abraham was, I am.

Do you think you will ever amount to anything?
On my mother's side, I will be despised and rejected. On my Father's side, I will, throughout eternity, be worshipped and adored.

What are your plans?
On my mother's side, I will go to the cross and die. On my Father's side, after three days in the tomb I will burst forth.

How will we know you?
On my mother's side, you will see the nail prints in my hands and feet. On my Father's side, I will be seen as a Lamb standing as if it had been slain, and riding a white horse with many crowns upon my head.

This wonderful peice of text comes from "Moments For You" (volume 50)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Good post. This reminds me of that song. Very good. God Bless.