Friday, 27 April 2007

The light of life

When i wake in the night and it's still dark, and being still sleepy, i find myself fumbling my way in the darkness to the bathroom. Eventually i get there and as my eyes become adjusted, i see more and make my way back to the comfort of my bed.

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. John 1 verse 4

And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1 verse 5

As sinners without knowing Christ we fumbled through the darkness searching for the light, and as you go along you trip and fall sometimes. Then suddenly you find the light-switch and there is light, everything becomes clearer and as you grow in the faith the light gets brighter and we become more confident and stronger for the Lord.

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8 verse 12

Until the time that you repent of our sins and accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart you will not see the light, you will be stumbling through life not knowing where you are going or when or were you will fall. Turn to Jesus let him wash you clean with his blood and gain salvation, for in Jesus is life eternal with God.....Amen

Friday, 20 April 2007

A day out at Port Rush

These were took just outside Portrush last year.
Well look what i found on the beach it's a little JJ.
We all had a great time that day with the kids from Bethel, and of course those of us know who was the biggest kid who had the most fun was (tell me who that was), see if you know.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

A Birthday Tribute

Well my love another birthday as been and gone, and you still look as young as when i first met you. The only thing that has changed is my love for you my darlin, because my love for you as grown even stronger through our years together. May God bless us with more years together for i know my love for you will grow even more, God blessed me with an angel when he brought you into my life; so i will cherish every minute of every waking day till the Lord calls for me to go home. God bless you my Love and keep you safe....Amen.
Have a great day! xxxx

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

A Prayer Request

As a born again believing Christian i know that i must strive to be like our Lord, but as i'm born of flesh i know that Jesus was the only one that was perfect and without sin, and that i am not perfect and that i because being human i'm still a sinner. I have a special request to ask all bible-believing Christians, and that although i have prayed to Jesus for help i need your prayers as well. Please pray for me as i endevour to stop smoking, as my health as somewhat deteriated due to my own failing and weakness. So brethren it's with humility i ask you for help in prayer, may God bless you all and keep you safe....Amen

Monday, 16 April 2007

"On My Father's Side"

When Jesus was twelve years old he went with Joseph and mary to Jerusalem, and when rerturning home Joseph and Mary could not find Him anywhere to be seen so they returned to Jerusalem only to find Jesus in the temple in the midst of teachers both asking questions and hearing answers.

And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. Luke 2:45-49

Here are some of the questions they might have asked, and the answers He might have given.

What is your name?
On my mother's side, it is Jesus. On my Father's side, Emmanuel.

Where are you from?
On my mother's side, I was born in Bethlehem. On my Father's side, I came from the portals of glory.

How old are you?
On my mothers side, i am twelve years old. On my Father's side, I am everlasting to everlasting.

What religion are you?
On my mother's side, I am a Jew from the house of David. On my Father's side--before Abraham was, I am.

Do you think you will ever amount to anything?
On my mother's side, I will be despised and rejected. On my Father's side, I will, throughout eternity, be worshipped and adored.

What are your plans?
On my mother's side, I will go to the cross and die. On my Father's side, after three days in the tomb I will burst forth.

How will we know you?
On my mother's side, you will see the nail prints in my hands and feet. On my Father's side, I will be seen as a Lamb standing as if it had been slain, and riding a white horse with many crowns upon my head.

This wonderful peice of text comes from "Moments For You" (volume 50)

Saturday, 14 April 2007

A change of colour

Hi everyone i hope the Lord is keeping you all well, i thought i might make a few changes to my site. Hope you like the new contents and find them useful.

All our love in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ from Pat and Steve, May God keep you and comfort you as he does us each day, God bless....Amen.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Would you Adam and Eve it, Jess does like it!


Pat, Jess doesn't like the face-pack you put on this morning!

Pastor Mark, washing dishes; well ladies
what can i say. I know, (Our God does indeed work in mysterious ways
his wonders to perform)....Amen

The dying message

Well Easter has been and gone once again, but like the message of Christmas it seems to be dying away into the forgotten archives of peoples minds. A survey was done last year by a media company in England about what Christmas meant to children and what the schools were teaching them, it turned out that eleven percent of children nationwide knew the meaning of celebrating Christmas and an even less percentage of schools taught them about our Lord Jesus Christ. I think that this is a sad state of affairs, that a child is being led to believe that Christmas is all about getting presents that they want, and at Easter it's about getting chocolate eggs. Instead they should be teaching the birth of our Lord and why he came into the world at Christmas, then get presents. And at Easter they should teach them of our Lord's sacrifice for us so that we might have everlasting life, then get chocolate eggs. Don't get me wrong, it's not just schools which are to blame for this but a even more so are we as parents and grandparents, should be by moral duty to our God to inform them.

What do you think?

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Here's Pat at Pastor Marks house looks like
Pat doesn't know if she should sit or fall asleep.
God bless you .
Here's Pastor Stan looking for his glasses, or
maybe he's lost his page. Yeah right!