Sunday 17 June 2007

Childish Things

As a child i played with childish things, and as i became a man i put aside my childish things. But as in all men we still like to behave like children.

I suppose the same can be said of a lost sinner, as such we enjoyed being in the same company and not one thought of the consequences of our actions; concerning our souls or our eternity. Then you become a born again Christian and suddenly aware of the precious gifts the Lord as bestowed upon us, then we try to put aside our sinful nature. But because we are weak in the flesh, sometimes like a naughty child who still wants childish things we slip, but thanks be to God and the word of God and the Holy Spirit who convicts us when we step out of line we get right back on track. As a saved person through the precious blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ, i give glory and praise to my God for keeping me on the narrow path.....Amen!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Brother Steve and Sis Pat,
just a quick note to say thank you for visiting with my mum and i hope Pat's dad is feeling better soon. Hope to see you all again soon. Take care and God bless.